HostDadinNJ sent me a PDF of information from the Au Pair Care Agency, which answers lots of questions AND has some great links to official & legal information.
Sadly, I can’t figure out how to upload the pdf to the blog, since I’m missing the MSQL PHP or something. However, in the meantime, if you paste this phrase ‘must au pairs file tax returns aupairroom‘ into Google, the first link gets you to the document.
Thanks HDinNJ!
We are also with AuPairCare. I contacted them a couple weeks ago and suggested that they change the wording on this document regarding how much the APs will likely owe. The documents states that most APs who owe taxes will owe approximately one to two weeks stipend ($200 to $400). I think it should go another step and point out that extension au pairs that were here for the full calendar year of 2009 will actually owe over $600 (calculated assuming they received the standard stipend every week during 2009). I know for a couple extension APs in our cluster (including ours), it was quite a shock to owe so much.
I am actually with Au Pair in America, but happened upon this helpful info. Still curious as to the ramifications to Au pairs who do not file…I guess no readers here are IRS agents huh!
If you Google “Au pair in America” and “taxes” you’ll find a tax information sheet for host families and one for au pairs that gives reasonable examples about how many weeks’ stipend an au pair might owe, depending on arrival date in January, May, or September
Thanks heaps for posting this, i was stressing hugely over it.
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