We have now been with our first AP for 8 months. During this period we have had our ups and downs, but we do love our AP and think given the circumstances she has done an excellent job. She approached my husband and I about a 6 month extension.

Because our eldest has turned 3 we need to put him in preschool, but due to the cost of having and AP and the local preschool costs/ options we cannot afford both. It’s actually cheaper to put both our children in daycare (which includes preschool programs).
The problem is that we need to bridge the time between our AP and daycare; this time is 5-6 weeks. Our agency says they only extend 6, 9, or 12 months. Is it possible to get a one month extension? Is there anything that can be done? We’ve considered the 6 month extension but the risks (and cost) are too great. 6 months also puts us right in the middle of the holidays… It seems legally possible: https://j1visa.state.gov/participants/current/adjustments-and-extensions/
Our first au pair has only been with us for about 7 months, so I don’t have an answer to your specific question. But I have made care work for my 3 kids with various combinations of daycare, nanny, babysitter, and now au pair care. For 5-6 weeks during the summer (assuming summer since you since you said holidays are 6 months later), I bet you could find a returning college student looking for a summer job to care for your kids. Our best babysitters have been college students home for the summer. I imagine the cost of the au pair extension through your agency plus food costs and stipend would probably be more or about the same that you’d pay a college student.
When our au pair was looking for other families to do a 6 month extension with, their dates didn’t perfectly overlap with her end date. She ended up staying with us 3-4 weeks past her contract end date. As this was mostly us doing a favor to the other family and the agency, we only paid the stipend, no other fees. I can’t remember super clearly, but it may have impacted her vacation time or shorted the next family some time. We loved her but also had our youngest starting school. We were with CCAP. They have such volume that you may be able to find a similar situation that benefits all parties.
This suggestion might be too basic, but did you ask her to stay with you during her travel month? If she wants to use the time to travel, does it make sense to rearrange her schedule for the last four months so that she can travel in smaller increments (long weekend trips, etc.) instead of four weeks at the end of her year? Also, she may not want to travel for four whole weeks or at all, so in case you haven’t asked about that yet, iimo t’s worth a shot.
If your aupair is not planning to travel after the scheduled time with you, there is an extra month to 6 weeks that they can be in the country legally until their visa expires. I have sometimes had aupairs work during that time. I usually give them an option to chose their end date, so i can schedule the new aupair accordingly.
I’m curious how this turned out?
It’s actually a State Department regulation. The minimum extension timeframe is 6 months.
e-CFR § Sec. 62.31 (o):
“Extension of program. The Department, in its sole discretion, may approve extensions… Applications to the Department for extensions of six, nine, or 12 months must be received by the Department not less than 30 calendar days prior to the expiration of the exchange visitor’s initial authorized stay…”
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