Au Pair Travel During Covid?

by cv harquail on January 4, 2021

How are host parents handling travel requests to “touristy” places from their AP during Covid? 

We live in southern CA where the numbers are very high. Our AP recently submitted some time off for trips to San Francisco, Las Vegas and Dallas during January, February and March. We are not traveling or hosting anyone traveling (even grandparents, etc.)

Our AP doesn’t watch the news or seem to understand the severity of the Pandemic. Our response that we’re not comfortable with her traveling or having her boyfriend travel from a different state to our home was met with tears and anger. According to our au pair, we are the “only host family that isn’t allowing their AP to travel”…

Our son has bad asthma so our house rules will stay our house rules, but I’m just wondering how other families are handling this. I don’t want an unhappy/miserable au pair, but I also am not going to compromise my beliefs. — CovidConcerned Host Mom

I imagine that many host families and au pairs are struggling with travel-related concerns during the pandemic. Most au pairs sign on for this gig with the explicit expectation of travelling around the USofA.

Yet, right now, traveling to and from anywhere is exactly is how we infect each other. You wouldn’t know this by the number of people who are traveling though, because too many people are in self-centered denial.

Even for folks who are aware of how bad the situation is, the truth about how transmissible and dangerous Covid actually is seems too much for some folks to grok. If they haven’t had a bad case of Covid themselves, or know a grandparent who has died from Covid, or a teen who’s experienced myocarditis after a supposedly symptom-free bout of Covid, too many folks think they are immune. It won’t happen to them, it isn’t real, they can still travel, etc. etc. etc.

The ability of the human mind to create its own reality is astounding.

In my own city of Chicago, you can’t travel back from pretty much anywhere without a quarantine of some kind. I wonder what would happen if you asked your au pair to propose a plan for her travel, where she would take the necessary time to quarantine, how she’d do it, how she’d get tested before she came back into your household, and how she’d manage the vacation time. I bet if she did this, she’d discover that there is no medically ‘safe’ way to travel within her own time and budget constraints… at least not if she plans to come back to your home.

Imho, the only option is to save all her travel for her 13th month, when she would no longer expect to come back to your home, thereby relieving her of any need to care about your family’s safety. And, by her 13th month she might have gotten a vaccine herself.

Nobody’s happy about the constraints on our ability to go out and have fun…but almost all of us would rather constrain ourselves than cause illness, suffering and even death to someone else.

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By now I am assuming all of you have received emails from your agencies explaining that the recent executive order did in fact include APs and that as it stands now, that freeze will be in place until December 31st.

I don’t think I am overstepping by saying that this was a surprise. You may have even noticed that news outlets published conflicting stories about whether or not APs were excluded (they are not).

I personally think that hosting an AP in some ways is a huge advantage during a pandemic and my AP has been an absolute godsend and THE reason I have been able to work full time remotely, have three kids finish a remote school semester successfully and had the ability to continue to support my group as a local coordinator.  We absolutely could not have done the last three months without her and by mid March we gave her a raise and when she asked why we said “COVID pay”.  I would not be an LCC right now if she had not stayed and I have no doubt my full time job would have been drastically impacted by trying to assist 3 school aged kids with remote schooling.

The intent of the executive order is to create jobs for Americans but I have to ask – is including the AP program in the freeze creating jobs for Americans? Why or why not?

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I find global events and the repercussions of such fascinating. Y’all can debate in the comments whether that’s some milder version of Schadenfreude as my German AP taught me or if I should have just double majored in psychology and economics and missed my calling in college.

I am curious though – especially in our current times the reality can often be very different than the headlines! I would love to know how this virus is affecting you, your APs and communities to seek understanding and see how we can best help/support each other in this unique program.

Host families – Has your family been impacted by the COVID-19 virus? If so, how? Are you changing your travel plans/daily routine? Are you asking your AP to do so as well? Are you encountering any issues?

If you are an AP, are you concerned about getting the virus? Are you worried about getting stuck in the US if there are travel restrictions to your home country? Are you modifying your travel plans/bucket list because of the virus? What impact is the virus having on you, your host families and your families back home?

* Schadenfreude – the experience of pleasure, joy or self satisfaction that comes from learning or witnessing the troubles, failures or humiliation of another.

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Au Pairs: Still “low cost” childcare?

by cv harquail January 8, 2020
woman empty wallet

repost from 2008 One of the biggest selling points for having an au pair rather than other kinds of childcare is its relative cost.  For years, having an Au Pair was less expensive for me than employing a full time professional nanny, and (especially for people with more than one child) less expensive than using […]

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Who Can Advocate for the AuPair Program? And, Who Will?

by cv harquail October 14, 2019

It’s been quite some time since I posted, but when this email appeared in my box I had to respond. The issue that this Host Mom raises is a very important one to ALL of us who’ve enjoyed the Au Pair Program in one way or another: There is no one — no Agency, no […]

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How many is too many au pairs?

by Texas HM June 28, 2019

Let me start by being very clear. We have been BEYOND blessed by our au pairs over the years and their impact on our family and our children cannot ever be properly expressed. We have built a global family that spans the nations of Brazil, France, Germany, South Africa and Australia plus an Italian that […]

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Ghosted by our Au Pair Candidate — was it something we did?

by cv harquail June 5, 2019

“Dear Au Pair Mom– We are a new prospective HF looking for an au pair for the first time. We are targeting mostly Europeans and our main criteria is good driving. We’ve had interviews with a few candidates. We were close to matching (or so we thought) with a candidate from Germany who said all […]

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Does the punishment fit the crime here?

by Texas HM June 4, 2019

First off, let me just say that I am not a fan of judging the decisions or policies of other host families. What works for me might not work for you and vice versa and that is your business and ultimately only you can decide what your family is comfortable with and can/will tolerate. But… […]

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When Your AP Won’t Stop Comparing…

by Texas HM May 28, 2019

“Comparison is the thief of joy.” – Theodore Roosevelt As human beings we have a fundamental need to evaluate ourselves and our situations and the only way to really do that is in reference to something else. In fact there was a study done on this in the 1954 that actually proved it and coined […]

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Should I only host transition APs?

by Texas HM May 22, 2019

Years ago we were hosting a transition au pair (friend of our au pair) and I got a phone call from a prospective transition host mom. I was a little surprised because I was not actually the host mom of this AP so my number was not even on her profile so I quickly made […]

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